Saturday 20 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part six - Krishna stealing buttermilk and curd

Days passed and Krishna started growing and so was his mischievous activities. Once Mother Yashoda gave him buttermilk and curd. After finishing it once, he asked for it again. She said, I will give you but only once in a day, or else you will catch cold. 

As Nanda was head of the village he had many cows in his house. So milk and milk products used to be their in the house at ample of quantity. Villagers of Gokul used to sell milk and milk products to Mathura and other cities to earn money. That was their business. Many times it used to happen that Krishna used to observe his mother doing household activities, and most likely while making buttermilk and curd. Still he was not able to walk, but he used to reach to the pot of curd by crawling. And whenever Yashoda used to catch her, he used to make funny faces with all the curd on his face. His cute expression used to make her anger melt and she herself used to wash him and give him curd to eat. This was her daily routine now. The immense love of mother and child. Though mischievous but this baby had a charm in himself that anyone would fall prey for it. 

As he grew, he got new friends. The most dearest one was Pendhya. He was a handicap boy but he used to love Krishna like anything. As if he is born for serving Lord Krishna. They all used to play together. One day all the friends together made a plan of stealing curd. They went in one house which was closed, as the man from that house went to work and his wife was with Yashoda and other ladies group. Krishna and his gang made a plan and went to their house, broke the pot of curd and started eating it. When the lady came back they all ran away. And then started the series of this incidences in every villagers house in Gokul. The ladies used to come to Yashoda complaining about his son's mischievous activities. But she used to deny it. 

One day, she caught Krishna and his gang stealing curd from their own house. Everybody ran away but Krishna was caught. Now Yashoda was angry. She scolded him alot and took him to the ground in front of their house. She made him stand near a tree and tied him to it. And said now you will be released in the evening, till then be here. That's your punishment. Krishna was crying, but Yashoda was adamant. She didn't looked at him. Or else she would have melted. She went in the house, locked herself and started crying. Afterall mother's love. She was facing immense pain in her heart. But punishing Krishna was necessary to stop him. 

Now their is another story behind getting Krishna tied to the tree. Previously, their was one Gandharva named Vimalarjun, he used to be very arrogant. Once when Narada visited heaven, he insulted him. Narada cursed him to go and become tree at earth. Vimalarjun got afraid and apologized for his act. Narada said When Lord Krishna will be tied to you, you will be free. That was the same tree which now Krishna was tied. Due to Krishna's touch, He got free and thanked Krishna for relieving him and went to heaven. Then Krishna came back to home and made some childish acts to make his mother smile again. She went running to him, hugged and kissed him and asked for a Promise not to steal buttermilk and curd and stop those activities forever. Krishna promised his mother that he will never steal anything again. 

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