Monday 22 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part eight - Krishna and his Flute (Murali)

Even after praying to Lord Ganesh, Krishna was not still not over his activities. Yashoda was worried about her kid. In the evening, when she was thinking about it, she saw her friends coming to her as per their daily routine. All the ladies, including Yashoda used to meet and chat in the evening. Today Yashoda was looking worried. So they started talking about it. One lady gave a great suggestion. She said, why don't you let your child take your cattle to forest, for having grass (food). We will send our kids and cows too with them. The kids will enjoy, on the other hand they will learn to take care of our cows and their calf.

Yashoda liked this idea. She said, she will confirm with Nanda and let them know. Even Nanda liked this idea. Next day, she spoke to her child and said it would be fun. Why don't you take our cattle and go to forest to feed there and then enjoy with your friends. Krishna agreed for this. At night, he asked to wake him up early tomorrow, so he can get ready and go with his friends and cattle. Next day, Yashoda got up early, made food for Krishna, and woke him up. She made him bath, gave him a really beautiful dress and ornaments, gave him his favorite flute. Yes he did started playing his flute. He took his cattle and started calling his friends names. But for his surprise  more than half of his friends didn't came out. To see what was the matter, he went to their house and saw, they were trying to take their cow and calf with them, but they were not ready to go. Krishna thought for a minute. He started playing his flute. And the magic began. All the cattle started walking themselves. All the friends joined him and he continued playing flute till the forest near the Govardhan hill. Their they all sat under the tree. They left all their cattle to feed themselves nearby and took out their tiffins too. Krishna saw so many different dishes. So he took all of them, mixed into one. And they all started eating it. It was really delicious. This recipe is also called as Dahikaala. Still on Janmashtami it is given to all deities of Krishna.

After sometime, Pendhya noticed all their cattles were disoriented and were running here and there. So he called all his friends to come and control their cows. But they failed. Krishna was sitting peacefully under the tree, and was waiting till this matter comes to him. Finally everybody came to Krishna and started complaining about it. Krishna calmed them and asked to sit near him and started playing his Flute. And the magic again. All disoriented cattles came near him. Everybody were happy as they do not have to worry about the cattle as long as Krishna and his Flute is with them. They played in the ground  for sometime and they took their cattle with them and went back to home in evening. Everybody were happy and so was Krishna. Yashoda was relieved from the big tension now. From the next day routine started and all the mischievous activities were stopped.

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