Thursday 18 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part four - Happiness in Gokul

Here in the morning when everyone in the house of Nanda got up, they saw Yashoda has delivered a baby boy. Everybody was surprised about the delivery, as nobody came to know when and how it happened. The baby boy was looking at all of them, smiling, as if after a great storm, A new sunshine is born. Nanda and Yashoda were at cloud nine, looking at the baby. 

Nanda was the Head of the village Gokul, was a really good person, helpful and caring in nature. All villagers used to respect him and treat him like a king. Even he used to take care of the village as if his own territory. He announced a great celebration on account of the birth of his son. The news spread with the air and each and every person from every house in Gokul came to Nanda's house to see his son. After looking at the baby, they used to get a heavenly feeling in them. Everybody were enjoying as if they are celebrating  festival. Nanda then called their spiritual guru Shri GargaMuni for the naming ceremony of his son. 

Before naming, Nanda asked them about his son's future. Gargamuni first saw the child and joined hands and bowed in front of him. Everyone were surprised to see this act. Then Gargamuni said, this is an extraordinary child. He will kill all demons, will make common people happy, become king, rule the world, will become spiritual guru of everyone, and while ending his life he will take his whole family to heaven. Nanda - Yashoda were very happy after listening to this prophecy. Gargamuni asked them to name him as Krishna.
Everybody chanted at once - Jai Shri Krishna. Gods from heaven started pouring rain of flowers in Gokul. This was completely an auspicious day for everyone. Celebrated as if they are celebrating Diwali. 


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