Tuesday 16 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part II - Kansa, his death warning and Krishna birth

Kansa was the king of Mathura. From childhood he was a ill mannered, rude boy having hatred towards people. When he grew up, he overthrew his father Ugrasena from the throne and became the ruler on the assistance of Chanur. Chanur was his closest advisor.

He had a sister named Devaki. She got married to Vasudev. But while they were returning from marriage, Kansa become their charioteer. While they were at the mid of their journey, everybody heard the heavenly voice prophecy that, Devaki's eighth son will kill you. Listening to this prophecy, he got furious and went on to kill Devaki, but Vasudev interfered and requested him to spare her life and promised that he will give you all her sons, as soon as she will give birth to them. So once he kills eighth one, he will become immortal. Kansa was happy with this suggestion, but he put both of them to prison and kept a strict security on them.

After the birth of first child, as per the deal, Vasudev gave his first son to Kansa, and he killed him by hitting his head on a big stone. Devaki went in a trauma and so was Vasudev. but they had nothing to do but crying on this incidence. She again went pregnant, gave birth to second child, and that still born child faced same fate. This was repeated 6 times. At seventh time, Yogmaya, the Goddess, went into Devaki's womb and carried the child to Vasudev's first wife's womb. It was looked like devaki faced miscarriage for the seventh child. By the way seventh child was Krishna's Elder brother Balaram. 

Now it was time of eighth pregnancy of Devaki. Eighth child was about to be born. Kansa made tight security in their prison and asked them to keep them under check 24/7. It was eighth day (Ashtami) of the Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight) of the month of Bhadrapad at exactly 12.00 am, Devaki gave birth to his 8th son. The savior of the mankind. Lord Krishna. Devaki and Vasudev were very happy, but still they had the fear. Kansa would come their to kill this baby too. While thinking about this, they saw the room was full of light and Lord Vishnu appeared in front of them and said dont worry. Just pick me and drop me to Gokul city at Nanda-Yashoda's home and pick the girl child born their and come back. Vasudev asked, My Lord, we are trapped here. Prison is locked and all guards are standing their awake and outside its pouring like cats and dogs. On the other hand Yamuna river must have flooded. How can i take you there??

Lord said, you just dont worry. Just do what I say. everything will be ok and he disappeared and took the form of child......

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