Monday 15 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part I - Curse to Jay-Vijay

You must have read my thoughts about Lord Krishna in my previous blog. From this blog onwards lets have a look on his life. I will try to accumulate the stories and the knowledge I have about Lord Krishna in this blog. May Krishna himself give me the strength and knowledge to write about Him. 

श्री कृष्णा गोविन्द हरे मुरारी, हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा  

In the era of krita named Kritayuga, Sanatkumar, who were the children of Lord Bramha went to meet Lord Vishnu. They were brahmins as well as saints, so their dressing style was very simple. Looking at their dress, the two gatekeepers of Lord Vishnu named Jay-Vijay started laughing at them. Jay-Vijay being gatekeepers of Lord Vishnu were very well dressed with  gold ornaments etc. 

Looking at such unethical behaviour, Sanatkumar got angry on them and cursed them, that they will have to take birth on earth among Demons. Jay Vijay got scared now. They started praying them for a boon as they do not want to get away from their beloved god Narayana. Sanatkumar got pleased with their prayer. They gave them an option, either take 11 births as good person, be Lords deities and come back or take 3 births as bad person and betrayer of Lord Vishnu, get killed by him and return to Vaikuntha

They thought why not just take 3 births as Lords betrayer and get killed by His hands and return. So they agreed for it. Though Narayan was sleeping, he was totally aware of it.

First they both became, Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashyapu and were killed by Lord Vishnu's Varaha and Narasimha avatar respectively. 

Second they became Ravan and Kumbhakarna, and got Killed by Lord Vishnu's Ram avatar.

Third and the last was Kansa and Shishupal. Both were killed by Lord Krishna.  

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