Wednesday 24 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part ten - Krishna and his love to Gokul

After Krishna and his friends began to go to forest with their cattle, Gokul started missing him, especially ladies. Everyday, they used to keep all their pots with buttermilk and curd and leave the house, and used to return home, only to see it is still full. Many ladies used to cry on it. They used love Kanha like anything. They used to call him, Krishna, Kanha, Kanhaiya etc. But now they were missing their beloved Krishna too much. Then they used to come to meet him in the evening. While he used to return back from forest with his friends, they used to offer buttermilk and curd.

Now we think, why Krishna used to steal buttermilk and cow from other villagers house, when he himself have ample of milk and curd in his own house. The reason behind this was, by doing this, he was trying to divert their attention more towards the almighty soul. That's the sole purpose.

One day, Krishna was roaming in the streets of Gokul, as he was bored at house. All the friends were at home, so they didn't accompanied him, so he went out alone. While roaming, he saw one house, where a lady was making buttermilk. He went their and asked for buttermilk and curd. As he was dear to everyone in Gokul, She readily gave him to eat. She was really happy watching Krishna eating all the curd and buttermilk. Once he was done, he burped. It was the sign that his tummy was full now.

But miraculously all the villagers and animals in Gokul burped, including, babies, old age, children and each and every person. One man was having lunch and his wife was serving. In the middle of it, he burped and said his stomach is full now. This was the connection of Krishna with Gokul. Krishna used to make the whole Gokul happy and not a single living being used to starve in the presence of Krishna.

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