Wednesday 24 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part ten - Krishna and his love to Gokul

After Krishna and his friends began to go to forest with their cattle, Gokul started missing him, especially ladies. Everyday, they used to keep all their pots with buttermilk and curd and leave the house, and used to return home, only to see it is still full. Many ladies used to cry on it. They used love Kanha like anything. They used to call him, Krishna, Kanha, Kanhaiya etc. But now they were missing their beloved Krishna too much. Then they used to come to meet him in the evening. While he used to return back from forest with his friends, they used to offer buttermilk and curd.

Now we think, why Krishna used to steal buttermilk and cow from other villagers house, when he himself have ample of milk and curd in his own house. The reason behind this was, by doing this, he was trying to divert their attention more towards the almighty soul. That's the sole purpose.

One day, Krishna was roaming in the streets of Gokul, as he was bored at house. All the friends were at home, so they didn't accompanied him, so he went out alone. While roaming, he saw one house, where a lady was making buttermilk. He went their and asked for buttermilk and curd. As he was dear to everyone in Gokul, She readily gave him to eat. She was really happy watching Krishna eating all the curd and buttermilk. Once he was done, he burped. It was the sign that his tummy was full now.

But miraculously all the villagers and animals in Gokul burped, including, babies, old age, children and each and every person. One man was having lunch and his wife was serving. In the middle of it, he burped and said his stomach is full now. This was the connection of Krishna with Gokul. Krishna used to make the whole Gokul happy and not a single living being used to starve in the presence of Krishna.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part nine - Krishna killing Demons

In Gokul, Krishna was playing his Murali and was giving heavenly happiness to all the people and his friends from Gokul. On the other hand, Kansa was worried about how to destroy his enemy. From one of the spy, he got the complete news about Krishna going to forest with his friends and staying there till evening. This could be a right time to kill him. Kansa now started planning for it.

First he called Vatsasur (Demon who can take form of Calf) and ordered him to Kill Krishna. When Krishna and his friends took their cows and calf to forest, he in the meantime, joined those animals. But Krishna was alert, when he saw one different cattle than others. So very secretly, he took this demon calf away and killed him and came back and resumed to his routine.

Here Kansa was eagerly waiting for good news, but got the news that Vatsasur was killed. Now he got furious and called Vrishabhasur (Demon who can take form of bullock). He ordered him to kill Krishna. Next day, When Krishna and his friends were playing, Pendhya came running to him saying, one really big bull has came and he is wondering near our cows. Come and see. Vrishabhasur was ready to kill Krishna with his horns. But Krishna came near to him. Till he could know what's happening, Krishna lifted him with his horns and threw away. He died on the spot.

Next Day, Kansa sent Adhasur to Gokul. He took the form of Heron and stood in open ground near Gokul. All the villagers came to see him, as he was really big than normal Herons. He was waiting for Krishna to arrive on the spot and was standing calm. As soon as, Krishna came there, He bowed against him, and took him in the mouth and swallowed. Everybody started shouting. Some people hit him with stone and sticks but all in vain. He started leaving the place. But, after few seconds, he felt like something is burning in his stomach. He tried to omit it, but he couldn't. Finally he fell down in the ground, and Krishna tear his body apart and came out of it. Adhasur was killed and everybody were happy. Kansa was now tensed. None of the measures were working on him. How to kill Krishna? became the only question of his life now.

Monday 22 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part eight - Krishna and his Flute (Murali)

Even after praying to Lord Ganesh, Krishna was not still not over his activities. Yashoda was worried about her kid. In the evening, when she was thinking about it, she saw her friends coming to her as per their daily routine. All the ladies, including Yashoda used to meet and chat in the evening. Today Yashoda was looking worried. So they started talking about it. One lady gave a great suggestion. She said, why don't you let your child take your cattle to forest, for having grass (food). We will send our kids and cows too with them. The kids will enjoy, on the other hand they will learn to take care of our cows and their calf.

Yashoda liked this idea. She said, she will confirm with Nanda and let them know. Even Nanda liked this idea. Next day, she spoke to her child and said it would be fun. Why don't you take our cattle and go to forest to feed there and then enjoy with your friends. Krishna agreed for this. At night, he asked to wake him up early tomorrow, so he can get ready and go with his friends and cattle. Next day, Yashoda got up early, made food for Krishna, and woke him up. She made him bath, gave him a really beautiful dress and ornaments, gave him his favorite flute. Yes he did started playing his flute. He took his cattle and started calling his friends names. But for his surprise  more than half of his friends didn't came out. To see what was the matter, he went to their house and saw, they were trying to take their cow and calf with them, but they were not ready to go. Krishna thought for a minute. He started playing his flute. And the magic began. All the cattle started walking themselves. All the friends joined him and he continued playing flute till the forest near the Govardhan hill. Their they all sat under the tree. They left all their cattle to feed themselves nearby and took out their tiffins too. Krishna saw so many different dishes. So he took all of them, mixed into one. And they all started eating it. It was really delicious. This recipe is also called as Dahikaala. Still on Janmashtami it is given to all deities of Krishna.

After sometime, Pendhya noticed all their cattles were disoriented and were running here and there. So he called all his friends to come and control their cows. But they failed. Krishna was sitting peacefully under the tree, and was waiting till this matter comes to him. Finally everybody came to Krishna and started complaining about it. Krishna calmed them and asked to sit near him and started playing his Flute. And the magic again. All disoriented cattles came near him. Everybody were happy as they do not have to worry about the cattle as long as Krishna and his Flute is with them. They played in the ground  for sometime and they took their cattle with them and went back to home in evening. Everybody were happy and so was Krishna. Yashoda was relieved from the big tension now. From the next day routine started and all the mischievous activities were stopped.

Saturday 20 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part seven - Krishna and Lord Ganesh

Though Krishna promised Yashoda that he will never steal anything, still Yashoda was tensed about his behavior. Finally she decided to pray Lord Ganesh. The day was Chaturthi, (fourth day after new moon day). It is said to be Sankashta Chaturthi. On this day, Lord Ganesh is worshiped and prayed for well being. 

Yashoda made sweet momos, as it is favorite food of Lord Ganesh. While praying him, she took Krishna with her and asked to sit in front of him, join hands and pray. Even she did the same. Krishna after sometime, saw his mother praying god by closing eyes. Looking at that chance, he took one momo and started eating it. In this way he emptied the whole plate of momos and ran away. When Yashoda opened her eyes, she saw the plate was empty. Now she was angry thinking Krishna again started stealing even after promising she ran to search Krishna. Krishna was sitting in the corner. She asked him, did you eat the momos?? He said no, I didn't. while you were praying, a small boy, with big stomach and trunk, looking like elephant boy, came there and he ate everything. I was afraid so I didn't say anything and ran away from there. Yashoda says, I know you are lying. You just open your mouth and show me. Still Krishna says, No, I am not lying. But Yashoda was adamant. You just open your mouth. Finally Krishna opened his mouth.

Yashoda was shocked and surprised on whatever she saw in his mouth. She saw, Lord Ganesh sitting in his mouth eating momos. She was completely speechless. Looking at Yashoda Lord Ganesh said, Yashoda, Krishna is our god. You give him whatever he asks. Everything goes to him automatically reaches to me and other gods. And he disappeared. Yashoda fainted. After sometime when Yashoda got back her consciousness she saw Krishna crying. She got up, took her lovely child on her lap and asked what happened. He said, Mother! I am hungry . Please give me something to eat. Yashoda gave her all the remaining momos to eat.

After all such incidences, Nanda-Yashoda used to forget that their son is God, as illusion spread by Krishna used to work on them, as today it is working on all of us. We can never understand Him. The only thing we can do is, we can Love Him.

Shri Krishna - Part six - Krishna stealing buttermilk and curd

Days passed and Krishna started growing and so was his mischievous activities. Once Mother Yashoda gave him buttermilk and curd. After finishing it once, he asked for it again. She said, I will give you but only once in a day, or else you will catch cold. 

As Nanda was head of the village he had many cows in his house. So milk and milk products used to be their in the house at ample of quantity. Villagers of Gokul used to sell milk and milk products to Mathura and other cities to earn money. That was their business. Many times it used to happen that Krishna used to observe his mother doing household activities, and most likely while making buttermilk and curd. Still he was not able to walk, but he used to reach to the pot of curd by crawling. And whenever Yashoda used to catch her, he used to make funny faces with all the curd on his face. His cute expression used to make her anger melt and she herself used to wash him and give him curd to eat. This was her daily routine now. The immense love of mother and child. Though mischievous but this baby had a charm in himself that anyone would fall prey for it. 

As he grew, he got new friends. The most dearest one was Pendhya. He was a handicap boy but he used to love Krishna like anything. As if he is born for serving Lord Krishna. They all used to play together. One day all the friends together made a plan of stealing curd. They went in one house which was closed, as the man from that house went to work and his wife was with Yashoda and other ladies group. Krishna and his gang made a plan and went to their house, broke the pot of curd and started eating it. When the lady came back they all ran away. And then started the series of this incidences in every villagers house in Gokul. The ladies used to come to Yashoda complaining about his son's mischievous activities. But she used to deny it. 

One day, she caught Krishna and his gang stealing curd from their own house. Everybody ran away but Krishna was caught. Now Yashoda was angry. She scolded him alot and took him to the ground in front of their house. She made him stand near a tree and tied him to it. And said now you will be released in the evening, till then be here. That's your punishment. Krishna was crying, but Yashoda was adamant. She didn't looked at him. Or else she would have melted. She went in the house, locked herself and started crying. Afterall mother's love. She was facing immense pain in her heart. But punishing Krishna was necessary to stop him. 

Now their is another story behind getting Krishna tied to the tree. Previously, their was one Gandharva named Vimalarjun, he used to be very arrogant. Once when Narada visited heaven, he insulted him. Narada cursed him to go and become tree at earth. Vimalarjun got afraid and apologized for his act. Narada said When Lord Krishna will be tied to you, you will be free. That was the same tree which now Krishna was tied. Due to Krishna's touch, He got free and thanked Krishna for relieving him and went to heaven. Then Krishna came back to home and made some childish acts to make his mother smile again. She went running to him, hugged and kissed him and asked for a Promise not to steal buttermilk and curd and stop those activities forever. Krishna promised his mother that he will never steal anything again. 

Friday 19 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part five - Putana

So Krishna started growing up with his brother Balaram and other kids near there. On the other hand his own uncle Kansa was desperate to kill his nephew. At first he thought he is just a small kid and anyone can go and kill him. He appointed Demoness Putana to kill her. She said she can easily kill him by just breastfeeding poison. She filled her breast with poison. Before this, she had killed many babies in the similar manner, so she was confident about it. She transformed herself into a beautiful lady and went to Nanda's house.

Here in Gokul, still people used to visit Nanda's house to see his child. They used to feel as if they have visited God in temple. So People in Nanda's house always allowed to see the child. Common people, saints, yogis and many such people used to come and bless the child. So it was becoming a daily routine for them. At the same time Putana came to Gokul and visited Nanda's house. As she entered, Rohini and Yashoda came forward to greet her. She was made to seat on beautiful chair. Looking at her beauty everyone were mesmerized. She said, I am wife of Renowned astrologer from some village. He said, their is a great child born in Nanda's house in Gokul. Just visit their house, meet the child, and for his great future and good health and protection from demons, you need to breastfeed him. Nanda was not at house at that very moment. At first Yashoda hesitated, but Putana convinced her that, this is for her son's benefit. Finally Yashoda allowed to do so. She sent her to a room, where she used to breastfeed his son. Putana and Krishna moved in that room and room was closed. She started breastfeeding him and Krishna showed his trick. He started sucking her blood instead of poison. At first she didn't realized it, she was happy, dreaming that she has done her job, now Kansa will favour her and give her some great prize. But after sometime, she started feeling uneasy. She started having pain in her whole body. She screamed like hell and transformed herself in her real form and started running out of house.

Everyone were shocked to see this. Yashoda fainted and Rohini was confused to look at Yashoda or rescue Krishna. In meantime, Nanda came there. He saw the whole situation, and called the villagers to kill Putana. She started running for her life and Krishna was still sucking her blood and was not leaving her. Finally at a big ground, she came into her whole form and finally died. Some villagers went near her, checked if she is died and rescued Krishna from her. The baby was completely fine. Yashoda was crying like hell. But everybody assured her that her son is absolutely fine. He was playing as if nothing happened. The fear in everybody's heart was replaced by happiness and smile on their face. Doctors (Vaidya as they say) were called to check whether baby had any reaction of poison in his body. But they said, he is absolutely fine and poison has not even touched his body. Everybody was surprised at this fact. Krishna started his series of killing demons from his childhood. Kansa was horrified hearing this news. What kind of child he is?

Thursday 18 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part four - Happiness in Gokul

Here in the morning when everyone in the house of Nanda got up, they saw Yashoda has delivered a baby boy. Everybody was surprised about the delivery, as nobody came to know when and how it happened. The baby boy was looking at all of them, smiling, as if after a great storm, A new sunshine is born. Nanda and Yashoda were at cloud nine, looking at the baby. 

Nanda was the Head of the village Gokul, was a really good person, helpful and caring in nature. All villagers used to respect him and treat him like a king. Even he used to take care of the village as if his own territory. He announced a great celebration on account of the birth of his son. The news spread with the air and each and every person from every house in Gokul came to Nanda's house to see his son. After looking at the baby, they used to get a heavenly feeling in them. Everybody were enjoying as if they are celebrating  festival. Nanda then called their spiritual guru Shri GargaMuni for the naming ceremony of his son. 

Before naming, Nanda asked them about his son's future. Gargamuni first saw the child and joined hands and bowed in front of him. Everyone were surprised to see this act. Then Gargamuni said, this is an extraordinary child. He will kill all demons, will make common people happy, become king, rule the world, will become spiritual guru of everyone, and while ending his life he will take his whole family to heaven. Nanda - Yashoda were very happy after listening to this prophecy. Gargamuni asked them to name him as Krishna.
Everybody chanted at once - Jai Shri Krishna. Gods from heaven started pouring rain of flowers in Gokul. This was completely an auspicious day for everyone. Celebrated as if they are celebrating Diwali. 


Wednesday 17 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part III - Vasudev Taking Krishna to Gokul

And the god took form of a newborn child. The child started crying. Now both of them were worried, Kansa will hear the crying sound of baby and will come there to kill him. But to their surprise, Kansa went into deep sleep. Even the guards got unconscious, doors of the prison opened automatically. Vasudev thought it was a sign of god to get out from there. He asked Devaki to wrap the child in some cloth and give it to him. She was still crying as it was her eighth child and she will not be able to see him again. But Vasudev  explained her that this child will remain alive and if the almighty permits, they will be able to see him again for sure.

After a deep conversation, she became ready to give the child to Vasudev. Vasudev took the child and started walking out of the prison. He was still chanting Lords name as he still feared of Kansa to come there, but he didn't. As he came out of palace, he was surprised to see each and every person, including guards and all servants were in deep sleep. He went out. It was still raining heavily. Still he managed to reach Yamuna River. Once he crossed the river, he would be reaching Gokul. But how to cross the river as the river was too much flooded.

He didn't understood the fact that Even Yamuna was excited to see the Lord and touch his feet as he was carrying Him in his hand. Vasudev was worried, the child will flow away due to huge pressure of water. He started looking for something in which he can keep the child and he found a wooden basket. He kept the child in it, held the basket over his head and started walking through the river. Yamuna was still flooding heavily, which was actually she was trying to touch the child's feet. God in the form of child understood her wish and took his left leg out of the basket and Yamuna touched her feet. As soon as she touched the feet, she made a way out for Vasudev.

Finally Vasudev reached Gokul. He rushed to Nanda's house. Everyone were in deep sleep. Yashoda was unconscious and she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. As per Lords order, Vasudev kept the child in the place of the baby girl and took the girl in the basket and went back. Once he reached prison, all the doors were shut, Guards and other servants got awake and heard the crying sound of the baby girl. Guards went to Kansa to convey this message. He rushed to the prison. He was surprised to see girl child, as it was prophesied that it would be boy. Even Vasudev said, she is our child. Kansa was confused, but fearing of his death, he picked the girl child, and went to kill her by hitting her on the stone, but he missed her. She was indeed Yogmaya again. She appeared in her full form and in her angry voice she said, You Fool!! you tried to kill me. You cant even touch me. I am Yogmaya. And now listen!! Your enemy the eighth child of Devaki and Vasudev is safe at Gokul and he will surely kill you one day.

Saying this, she disappeared. Kansa was now completely terrified hearing about his death. He was also angry and surprised about how did he missed that child. This was completely a Game played by Lord, but poor Kansa couldn't do anything to save his life. Vasudev then explained Devaki what happened with him, the child and the baby girl and all the situation he faced while all this process. Devaki was sad, but was happy for her child as he was now residing somewhere and ........ Alive.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part II - Kansa, his death warning and Krishna birth

Kansa was the king of Mathura. From childhood he was a ill mannered, rude boy having hatred towards people. When he grew up, he overthrew his father Ugrasena from the throne and became the ruler on the assistance of Chanur. Chanur was his closest advisor.

He had a sister named Devaki. She got married to Vasudev. But while they were returning from marriage, Kansa become their charioteer. While they were at the mid of their journey, everybody heard the heavenly voice prophecy that, Devaki's eighth son will kill you. Listening to this prophecy, he got furious and went on to kill Devaki, but Vasudev interfered and requested him to spare her life and promised that he will give you all her sons, as soon as she will give birth to them. So once he kills eighth one, he will become immortal. Kansa was happy with this suggestion, but he put both of them to prison and kept a strict security on them.

After the birth of first child, as per the deal, Vasudev gave his first son to Kansa, and he killed him by hitting his head on a big stone. Devaki went in a trauma and so was Vasudev. but they had nothing to do but crying on this incidence. She again went pregnant, gave birth to second child, and that still born child faced same fate. This was repeated 6 times. At seventh time, Yogmaya, the Goddess, went into Devaki's womb and carried the child to Vasudev's first wife's womb. It was looked like devaki faced miscarriage for the seventh child. By the way seventh child was Krishna's Elder brother Balaram. 

Now it was time of eighth pregnancy of Devaki. Eighth child was about to be born. Kansa made tight security in their prison and asked them to keep them under check 24/7. It was eighth day (Ashtami) of the Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight) of the month of Bhadrapad at exactly 12.00 am, Devaki gave birth to his 8th son. The savior of the mankind. Lord Krishna. Devaki and Vasudev were very happy, but still they had the fear. Kansa would come their to kill this baby too. While thinking about this, they saw the room was full of light and Lord Vishnu appeared in front of them and said dont worry. Just pick me and drop me to Gokul city at Nanda-Yashoda's home and pick the girl child born their and come back. Vasudev asked, My Lord, we are trapped here. Prison is locked and all guards are standing their awake and outside its pouring like cats and dogs. On the other hand Yamuna river must have flooded. How can i take you there??

Lord said, you just dont worry. Just do what I say. everything will be ok and he disappeared and took the form of child......

Monday 15 August 2016

Shri Krishna - Part I - Curse to Jay-Vijay

You must have read my thoughts about Lord Krishna in my previous blog. From this blog onwards lets have a look on his life. I will try to accumulate the stories and the knowledge I have about Lord Krishna in this blog. May Krishna himself give me the strength and knowledge to write about Him. 

श्री कृष्णा गोविन्द हरे मुरारी, हे नाथ नारायण वासुदेवा  

In the era of krita named Kritayuga, Sanatkumar, who were the children of Lord Bramha went to meet Lord Vishnu. They were brahmins as well as saints, so their dressing style was very simple. Looking at their dress, the two gatekeepers of Lord Vishnu named Jay-Vijay started laughing at them. Jay-Vijay being gatekeepers of Lord Vishnu were very well dressed with  gold ornaments etc. 

Looking at such unethical behaviour, Sanatkumar got angry on them and cursed them, that they will have to take birth on earth among Demons. Jay Vijay got scared now. They started praying them for a boon as they do not want to get away from their beloved god Narayana. Sanatkumar got pleased with their prayer. They gave them an option, either take 11 births as good person, be Lords deities and come back or take 3 births as bad person and betrayer of Lord Vishnu, get killed by him and return to Vaikuntha

They thought why not just take 3 births as Lords betrayer and get killed by His hands and return. So they agreed for it. Though Narayan was sleeping, he was totally aware of it.

First they both became, Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashyapu and were killed by Lord Vishnu's Varaha and Narasimha avatar respectively. 

Second they became Ravan and Kumbhakarna, and got Killed by Lord Vishnu's Ram avatar.

Third and the last was Kansa and Shishupal. Both were killed by Lord Krishna.